Join Our 'Virtual' PPG

Would You Like to Have Your Say About the Services We Provide at Coastal Medical Partnership?

If so, we would like to hear your views. We want to ensure the views of patients and carers are being fed into the partnership. This could be about current services, any changes or potential new services. We are compiling a contact list of email addresses of patients willing to take part. Every now and again, we will contact you by e mail to ask you a question or two and/or to complete short questionnaires.

Please note: We cannot ask or answer personal medical questions.


Angela Jackson is 'Chair' of the Patient Participation Group and can give you more details about what they do.

If you are happy to be contacted periodically, please contact Angela on email or by phone. You will be sent a consent form to complete. This is for Coastal Medical Partnership to have permission to contact you for your views.


Phone: 07729 818356


Note: We follow the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and GDPR. This means we govern your personal data rights, including the way we handle your data. It also gives you the right to know what information is held about you. We follow rules to make sure your information is handled properly.